Rating Errors in Performance Appraisals

Organizational performance is dependent on individual performances of the employees. Due to biasness or some rating errors, employees get inaccurate ratings in their performance evaluations. Types of errors/effects and biasness are described in detail in the below. Minimizing the errors will bring employee satisfaction, motivation to work as well as the performance improvement (Javidmehr and Ebrahimpour, 2015) Strictness or Leniency Depending on the rater, employees might get lower rating or a higher rating than the deserved rating. The superior employees will get affected due to strictness as they are getting a lower rating than the expected. Due to leniency, all the subordinates will get a higher rating than the expected but consequently superior subordinates might get demotivated. The Forced distribution like grading on a curve, or modern appraisal techniques can be used to minimize the Strictness-Leniency bias as those techniques are result oriented and ab...